Professor in charge

Research Project

Research Line

Professor José Almir Rodrigues Pereira

Research and Development for the Elaboration of Municipal Plans for the Integrated Management of Solid Waste for the State of Pará (FAESA minute 05.10.13)

Municipal Public Management

Professor José Almir Rodrigues Pereira (Co Author)

Juliano Pamplona Ximenes Ponte (In charge)

Urban Development Grants for the Construction of Metropolitan Urban Drainage Plan, Metropolitan Belém, Pará (Ordinance 165.2016 - ITEC - UFPA)

Municipal Public Management

Professor Ligia Terezinha Lopes Simonian

Biodiversity, management of natural resources and society in the Guianas shield.

Municipal Public Management

Professor Leila Márcia Souza de Lima Elias (Co Author)

Jose Roberto Kassai (In charge)

Brazilian Monster States: accounting balance of the nations of the Brazilian states in the scenarios of global climate change

Municipal Public Management

Professor Ligia Terezinha Lopes Simonian

Cuieiras amazônicas: production, art and trade of gourds

Municipal Public Management

Professor José Pont Vidal

Curing the Cause: A New Public Policy Focused on Serving the Man Violating the Law Maria da Penha

Municipal Public Management

Professor Ligia Terezinha Lopes Simonian

Cooperative Encyclopedia of Pan-Amazonian Women

Municipal Public Management

Professor Ligia Terezinha Lopes Simonian

State, municipal environmental management and social movements within areas of reserves

Municipal Public Management

Professor José Almir Rodrigues Pereira

Study of Alternatives of Proposals for Universalization of Population Assistance with Integrated Basic Sanitation in the State of Pará (ITEC Ordinance 094/12, 095/14 and 098/15)

Municipal Public Management

Professor Fábio Carlos da Silva

Socioeconomic Training, Public Management and Institutional Strengthening of the Integration Regions of the State of Pará

Municipal Public Management

Professor Ligia Terezinha Lopes Simonian

Indians in Belém: historical, cultural, and current trends

Municipal Public Management

Professor Ponciana Freire de Aguiar

Modeling and Socioenvironmental Scenarios in Beaches of the North and Northeast Regions using Images of Medium and High Resolutions

Municipal Public Management

Professor Simaia do Socorro Sales das Mercês

Housing policy: Political and administrative dimensions

Municipal Public Management

Professor Simaia do Socorro Sales das Mercês

Housing policy and social and environmental impacts

Municipal Public Management

Professor Ligia Terezinha Lopes Simonian

Public policies, development and culture in Pan-Amazonian border circuits

Municipal Public Management

Professor Simaia do Socorro Sales das Mercês

Public policies and social control

Municipal Public Management

Professor Simaia do Socorro Sales das Mercês

Public Policies in Small Municipalities of Pará: Current Dynamics and Social Implications

Municipal Public Management

Professor Ligia Terezinha Lopes Simonian

Traditional populations in the Amazon and sustainable development: public policies and family dynamics

Municipal Public Management

Professor José Almir Rodrigues Pereira

Efficient Practices for Rational Use of Water and Electric Power in Urban Areas

Municipal Public Management

Professor Simaia do Socorro Sales das Mercês

Production of intra-urban space and housing in cities in the Amazon: social inequalities and socio-spatial segregation

Municipal Public Management

Professor Ligia Terezinha Lopes Simonian

Project or Module 3 - Environment, Traditional Populations in Protected Areas and Conservation Units of the Brazilian Amazon

Municipal Public Management

Professor Ligia Terezinha Lopes Simonian

Natural resources, sustainability and ethnocultural identity in border areas

Municipal Public Management

Professor José Almir Rodrigues Pereira

(REDECOPE) Network of Cooperation in Hydroenergetic Efficiency - Development of Criteria and Technological Procedures for the Hydroenergetic Management of Water Supply System (Ordinance 024/2013 ITEC)

Municipal Public Management

Professor Ligia Terezinha Lopes Simonian

The maroon land of Cunani, the environment and the local society

Municipal Public Management

Professor Simaia do Socorro Sales das Mercês

Urban Transformations in Belém / PA

Municipal Public Management

Professor Saint Clair Trindade Júnior

A geographic perspective perspective: the Amazon in the approach of space as a social instance

Municipal Public Management

Professor Simaia do Socorro Sales das Mercês

Urbanization, social movements and public space

Municipal Public Management